Mac users: test the Aqua and X11 release candidates - Ninja

Mac users: test the Aqua and X11 release candidates

Posted by Andrew Z at Sunday, March 2, 2008 | Permalink

Maho NAKATA has announced the availability of MacOSX builds of 2.4.0 release candidate for Intel and PowerPPC in both Aqua and X11. Be careful: these release candidates are for testing purposes and may contain serious bugs.

The downloads (UPDATED LINKS, 2.4.0RC2, 2.4.0RC3, 2.4.0RC4, 2.4.0RC5) are in the format OOo_{version}_{operating system}{CPU architecture}_{Window system}_install_{language code}.dmg. If X11 is omitted, it is the Aqua version. If you want the English Aqua Intel version, download OOo_2.4.0RC4_MacOSXIntel_install_en-GB.dmg.

Please test these builds soon. See Top 12 reasons to test the 2.4 release candidate. 2.4 will only officially release an X11 Mac version, but Aqua is planned for version 3 (due September 2008). Unlike NeoOffice, this Aqua code will be officially supported by and integrated into the upstream version. Your testing helps ensure a high quality final release.

Update from ericb: QA'ing these Aqua binaries is not helpful: they are already out of date. The most up to date binaries are at Eric warns. "Be careful: they are hacked developer builds, only using code from cvs, but including last cws (not everything has been integrated in milestone). [...] If you are not used to solve issues on your Mac, please do not use them."
