If the OpenOffice.org 2.4.0 release candidate 2 had been approved, it would have been renamed the 2.4.0 final release on Thursday, March 13. However, with the discovery of a showstopper "mail merge doesn't work" (issue 86766), the OpenOffice.org 2.4.0 release date slips again. There will be an OpenOffice.org 2.4 release candidate 4, which will be available soon. I am guessing the next OpenOffice.org 2.4 final release target will be March 27.
The discovery of 86766 improves the quality of the final release. OpenOffice.org needs more people to test pre-releases, and you can help by testing the release candidates to discover any more bugs.
Also, despite previous indications that 2.4.1 would be skipped, Martin Hollmichel of Sun Microsystems announced "there will be a 2.4.1, only unsure when." Though OpenOffice.org now releases every three months, the 2.4.1 situation is reminiscent of how 1.1.5 was released just one month before the delayed 2.0.0.
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